Occupational Health and Safety is a collection of laws and regulations that can be challenging to work with. JVI Safety helps you develop and implement the OH&S strategy that’s right for your organization. JVI Safety provides high quality safety services which results in a safer workplace for everyone. Following the vision and goals of “Work Safe Alberta,” we are closely aligned with various industry specific safety partners and regulatory bodies.
The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals is a public interest, not-for-profit, ISO 17024 and ISO 9001 certified organization that grants the Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) ® designation to individuals who successfully complete the certification process through application, assessment, interview and examination.
Thomas is a Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP), and directly oversees all staff of JVI Safety. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Health Sciences (BHSc.), and a certificate from the University of Alberta in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). Thomas has worked within Public Safety since 1984 and the OH&S vocation since 1993. He was an Advanced Care Paramedic for over 25 years, Special Operations Superintendent, and Deputy Chief of Logistics for the Edmonton Emergency Response Department (ERD). He was the Vice President of Canadian Industrial Paramedics (CIP) and was instrumental in the company’s successful growth providing emergency services and safety personnel to all aspects of the petroleum industry in Western Canada. Thomas Co-Founded JVI Safety in 2006 and has been providing safety services such such as consulting, customized safety programs for COR, safety training, on site safety advisors, safety program auditing, and root cause analysis incident investigations.

Denise has a background in Business Management, Human Resources, and Adult Education. She is a Construction Safety Officer (CSO) and a Health and Safety Administrator (HSA). She has worked in Public Safety since 1986 and the OH&S vocation since 1997 and was a Primary Care Paramedic for over 20 years. She was the the co-owner of an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) for 10 years and the co-owner of a very successful product supply company. Denise has an affinity for the OH&S Act, Regulations, and Codes and is able to confirm or dispel safety “urban myths” that are often tossed around unfounded. If she doesn’t know the answer, she will find it. Because of this she has been involved in a number of safety program audits for some very high-profile organizations in the Alberta oil industry. Like her partner, she is well versed in the many aspects of the profession and is very committed to ensuring her clients best interests are at the forefront when it comes to their safety and safety programs.